What do I do?
How can I help you?
Maybe, your first or previous conception, pregnancy, labour, birth or postnatal experience left you feeling broken, disappointed, sad, scared or less of the parent or person you thought you would be.
Maybe you feel as though your body let you down, you failed or are failing, or you were failed by your care providers or birthing partner/s.
Maybe your experience triggered previous trauma that you might not even have known was there and you were frightened- or you are afraid of that happening.
It can be even more difficult to believe in yourself and your body’s abilities after a difficult or traumatic experience, but I’m here to tell you that it’s not impossible, and I know how to help you.
I know, because I was you.
I also know that it is possible to feel different, that you can plan for the birth you deserve, and you can feel empowered, and even transformed by your birth, and it can set you on a path to deeper healing.
I offer different levels of support to suit different circumstances and needs, my main offerings are here on this page, but go to the book now link to see additional ways of working with me including a Zoom workshop for your birth partner, and sibling sessions in your home for your other children.
Sheryl is an experienced teacher and doula