What do I do?

How can I help you?

Maybe, your first or previous conception, pregnancy, labour, birth or postnatal experience left you feeling broken, disappointed, sad, scared or less of the parent or person you thought you would be.

Maybe you feel as though your body let you down, you failed or are failing, or you were failed by your care providers or birthing partner/s.

Maybe your experience triggered previous trauma that you might not even have known was there and you were frightened- or you are afraid of that happening.

It can be even more difficult to believe in yourself and your body’s abilities after a difficult or traumatic experience, but I’m here to tell you that it’s not impossible, and I know how to help you.

I know, because I was you.

I also know that it is possible to feel different, that you can plan for the birth you deserve, and you can feel empowered, and even transformed by your birth, and it can set you on a path to deeper healing.

I offer different levels of support to suit different circumstances and needs.

And a sliding scale and payment plans are available.

Book a chat with me here


Sheryl is an experienced teacher and doula

Birth Empowerment Course £25

The Birth Empowerment course is suitable for all pregnancies with no hypnobirthing experience necessary. It could also serve as a great refresher for those who have done hypnobirthing before or to accompany an online hypnobirthing course or your own self-study.

The well-established and highly recommended 6 session course has been designed to build your confidence and knowledge as well as learning that all-important skill of relaxation which will support you during labour (and beyond!).

The sessions cover the following;

Challenging Perceptions, Choice, Control, Calm, Comfort and Confidence

This is not a hypnobirthing course, but it does use the hypnobirthing philosophy and techniques.

This course is no longer available as a live course, but has been pre-recorded for your convenience, with downloads and MP3s included.

When you buy access via the thinkific website, you can view the content for up to 3 months, giving you plenty of time to revisit it before your baby arrives AND you can claim a complimentary video chat with me to discuss your personal situation (worth £50).


Full ‘Plan for the Birth you Deserve’ Hypnobirthing Course

Private Course £444 (£333 or £222)

12 hours of trauma-informed and personalised antenatal education either via zoom or in person, or a mixture of the two.

Hypnobirthing with Simply Natal changes the way you see birth and the way you see yourself.

If your healing birth feels too far out of reach, I’m here to show you how to make it possible.

This is the same content and support that my doula clients prepared with and I can’t wait to get started because I know the difference it makes (take a look at my blog for some examples).

I have just a handful of spaces per year, so please get in touch as early as you can if you prefer to do this course privately (either in person or online).

If a group course suits you better you can join the group waiting list here Join the Group course waiting list